Your College Online Loan Resource Center
Thinking about how you are going to pay for college. Most student do it with one or more student loans. But what kind of student loan? And what about Grants and Scholarships? What about Federal and Private loans? Should the parents or the student apply for the loan? It can be a very difficult process but as with most things the process start with learning the basics. First is to try Grants and Scholarships but be realistic that your chances can be very slim. Generally student loans then should move into what can Federal student loans have to offer. A good plan can be to obtain a Federal student loan and then make up the differance with a private loan. A Federal student loan made to students directly requires no payments while the student is enrolled in college and this is just one reason that a Federal student loan can be the center piece of your college finaical plan. But a Federal student loan cant do it all, private student loans are often needed. One reason is that the money from a private student loan can be used for a wide range of student needs. like tuition, room and board, books, computers. Private loans are a great choice to supplement federal student loans, because a federal loans will not cover the full cost of higher education.
Federal Perkins Loan, Stafford loan, Federal Family Education Loans
Ford Direct Student Loans
Federal student loan consolidation